Quest:Derufin's Task

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Derufin's Task
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Derufin
Starts at Bâr Húrin
Start Region South Ithilien
Map Ref [73.4S, 12.7W]
Quest Chain Bâr Húrin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'My brother and I brought our hunting equipment all the way from Blackroot Vale. You must be prepared for anything! We have a number of smaller game traps that we certainly won't be using when we bag our first Mûmak! Perhaps you would like to place them around Ithilien?'

Derufin pulls out a map with some scrawls and markings on it. He points to forested locations just to the east, north, and south of Bâr Húrin.

'I've marked the key areas for hunting, here. Perhaps we'll even catch an Orc or two and help out those Ranger fellows! What do you say?'


Derufin has asked you to relieve his burden of hunting equipment and set some traps in Southern Ithilien for him and his brother.

Objective 1

  • Set traps in the Northern forest area described by Derufin
  • Set traps in the Southern forest area described by Derufin
  • Set traps in the Eastern forest area described by Derufin

The locations Derufin pointed to on his map can be found near Bâr Húrin.

You should place traps in the wooded locations near Bâr Húrin that Derufin outlined on his map.

This must by (sic) the northern wooded area described by Derufin
Set a trap (4/4)
This must by (sic) the southern wooded area described by Derufin
Set a trap (4/4)
This must by (sic) the eastern wooded area described by Derufin
Set a trap (4/4)

Objective 2

  • Talk to Derufin

Derufin is located in Bâr Húrin.

You should talk to Derufin.

Derufin: 'Nicely done! If I get around to it I'll check the traps before Duilin and I head back across the river. Are you staying in these parts long? No? Seems we're all larks on the wing, aren't we?'